www.planetoftheamps.com is not affiliated with any online discussion
The information and photos on this site are dedicated to providing a clear
of the specific amplifiers and cabinets shown. Planet Of the Amps
is created and
designed so that other guitar and bass amplifier users can get a clear
look at specific
amplifiers without the political oppression and censorship of "forum moderators"
other time wasters hidden behind user names with no real identity.
The online forums we have viewed provide incorrect data and excessive opinions
by individuals that do not design, build, sell, play or service
the units first hand.
The photos and text illustrated on www.planetoftheamps.com are a resource
reference for any consumer wanting the facts, history and value of these
style units.
We feel that if a person has a question they should be able to email professionals
direct for answers without being subjected to 2nd hand forum opinions.
If you are a wanker, you will be on the forum wanking about this particular
an image or spouting how it could possibly relate to you. If you
are not a wanker
none of this even matters and you will enjoy the photos and information.
We would like to thank all of the people that send positive comments and
share the
same interest in playing tube amps. Thank you for understanding and
Here in the USA
value the right to have FREE SPEECH.
www.planetoftheamps.com content requires licensed permission for use of content in any format.![]()
Images,Text and Content are Licensed Property of WEST PRODUCTIONS,LTD 1994 -2005